In these conversations I share my thinking on many subjects.  I invite you to reach out with your thoughts via my contact page.

What I mean by “Organic Arts” “Any fool can put their head in the mouth of a lion, the Art is in how to come out alive” Groucho Marx

Organic is an endless cycle of resource replenishing and recycling, where the concept of waste does not exist. Organic describes entire ecologies better than it ever can ever be used to describe one thing. How do we employ a word that goes on to make infinite connections?  Organic always stood for reciprocations between the soil and eaters long before it became a certification program of the US Government. Tragically the USDA Organic Brand allows animals to be confined in factories, and plants propped in soil-less mediums. These ‘efficiencies’ go on to prop up a false economy that we consume at our peril. This  is an entirely avoidable error.

I encourage everyone who eats to understand, and take a stand, to defend the true meaning and purpose of organic, and fiercely defend the mystery and power of the word. Any fool can drown in abundance, the art is how to thrive.

What is perennial agriculture

In the working landscape there are many ways to produce food. One extreme is to plow fencerow to fencerow with profound soil loss and industrial methods that contribute to climate change. The other is hunting and gathering like our ancestors did in otherwise undisturbed wilds. Perennial agriculture is a practice of agro ecology that finds its roots in indigenous foodways that incorporate regeneration with harvesting and eating. Agro Forestry is a type of perennial agriculture where plants such as hazelnuts, currants, apples, elderberries, shad bush, blueberries and chestnuts provide harvests over many years without plowing the soil.